Feb. 6: Democratic primary takes place in Nevada.

Feb. 6:  Nikki Haley files to participate in the Nevada state-run primary, preceding the Republican Party's caucuses in the state by two days.

Feb. 8: Nevada holds caucuses for Republicans.

Feb. 24:  South Carolina Republican primary

Feb. 27:  Democrats and Republicans cast their votes in the Michigan state-run primary.

March 2:  Republicans in Michigan select most of their delegates through party-run caucuses.

March 5:  Super Tuesday, the most significant single day of primaries, occurring in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia for both parties.

March 12: Primaries take place in Georgia, Mississippi, and Washington. Hawaii Republicans conduct caucuses.

March 19:  Primaries are held in Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, and Ohio.

June 4:  The final state primaries are scheduled for this date.

July 15 to18:  Republican National Convention convenes in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to formally nominate its candidate.

Aug. 19 to 22: Democratic National Convention convenes in Chicago, Illinois, to formally nominate its candidate.

Sept. 16:  First presidential debate, set by the Commission on Presidential Debates, takes place at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas.

Sept. 25: The only vice-presidential debate is scheduled at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania.

Oct. 1:  Second presidential debate is set to be held at Virginia State University in Petersburg, Virginia.

Oct. 9: The third and final presidential debate is scheduled at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah.

 Nov. 5: Election Day"